Autonomic dysfunction of the blood vessels resulting in growth of scalp headaches known as migraines. Actual mechanism of migraine is not all clear. But
many factors - factors that prodram early menungkapkan of migraine is
definitely linked to vaso constriction of the intracranial arteries.
Typical symptoms at an early stage is the emergence of scotoma and a pale face. Prodrome is followed by the onset of headache and face became red sesisi. Not long afterwards arise vomiting - vomiting, edema, nasal mucous membranes, fingers - fingers and toes. The symptoms are regarded as manifestations of extra cranial arteries vasodolatasi stage.
causes vascular dysfunction is still unknown, but it may very well be a
congenital disorder, because of familial and hereditary factors clearly
exist in migraine. (Prof. Dr. Mahar Mardjono, Clinical Neurology) Among
the many types of headache, migraine is a type of the most widely
researched and discussed, in addition to the cause is still a mystery,
which is pretty much the incident prompted experts to examine.
(80 AD) was one of the researchers headache in his day and he is the
first outlines the symptoms of headache that has a typical profile. He introduced this type with the name "HETEROCRANIA" which means headache. By
Galen 50 years later changed to "hemicrania" and then the experts of
the French turn again into their language as "MEGRIM" for details said -
he said a "migraine" (Dr. Sidiarto. K)
Anxiety or anxiety is a feeling of worry that vague - vague source, often non-specific or unknown to the individual. Anxiety is the feeling / emotional response to the assessment, feeling uncertain and powerless (Stuart and Sundeen, 1988). Emotional state experienced objectively and communicated in interpersonal relationships. Anxiety is an emotional response to the assessment in daily life - days. Describe the state of anxiety worry, anxiety, fear, unrest accompanied by various physical kekuhan.
According to Freud, personality structure consists of three elements, namely "ID, EGO, and SUPER EGO". Ego
boost symbolizes instincts and impulses primiti, Super Ego reflects
one's conscience and controlled by norms - norms of one's culture. While both described ego as a mediator between the demands of the ID and Super Ego.
Anxiety occurs from the fear of interpersonal rejection. It
is also associated with trauma in infancy, such as loss, separation
individuals who have low self-esteem is usually very easy to experience
severe anxiety.
Anxiety is the result frusatasi of everything that interferes with a person's ability to achieve the desired goal. This
theory believes that human beings are at the beginning of its life
exposed to excessive fear will show the possibility of severe anxiety
during adult life.
• Lightweight Anxiety
Dealing with Anxiety mild strain of the events of everyday life. At this level the land and the perception of the individual will be widened - and cautious.
Physiological Response
- Occasional shortness of breath
- Tone and blood pressure rise
- Mild symptoms of the stomach
- Wrinkled face and quivering lips
Cognitive Response
- Able to accept complex stimuli
- Concentrate on the problem
- Resolving problems effectively
Response Behavior and Emotions
- Unable to sit still
- Tremor smooth on hands
- The sound sometimes - sometimes rising
• Anxiety is being
At this level of land decreased perception of the environment, individuals are more important things to focus on that moment and put aside other things.
Physiological response
- Often short of breath
- Nadi and blood pressure rise
- Dry mouth
- Anorexia
- Diarrhea / constipation
- Restless
Cognitive response
- Field narrowed perception
- External stimuli can not be accepted
- Focusing on what to do with him
Behavioral and emotional responses
- Movement jerks - jerky / hand squeeze
- Talk more and faster
- Hard to sleep
- Feelings of insecurity
• Anxiety Weight
Severe anxiety land on a very narrow perception then was not able to think.
Stressor triggers
Stressor triggers may come from internal or external sources. Stressor triggers can be grouped into two categories:
1. Threat to the integrity of a person includes physiological inability to come or reduced capacity to perform activities of daily life - the day
2. Threats to the system can endanger one's self identity, self-esteem and social functioning integrated one.
(Stuart and Sundeen)
Sensory anxiety often experienced by virtually all humans. The
feeling of fear is characterized by a diffuse, unpleasant and vague -
vague, often accompanied by autonomic symptoms, such as headache,
sweating, palpitations, tightness in the chest and mild stomach upset. Someone who is anxious may feel restless, as stated by the inability to sit and stand for long. Certain set of symptoms found during anxiety tend to vary from person to person. (Kaplan and Sadock, ed 7)
Migraine is a recurrent headache, idiopathic, which manifests as an attack - an attack that lasts between 4-72 hours. Traits - characteristics typical headache besifat unilateral, pulsating - throbbing, the pain intensity from moderate to severe and aggravated by routine physical activity with photophobia or phonophobia.
Pain location most sesisi, but can also be the entire head, and the most frequent area temples, temporal, may also be in the frontal and occipital lobes.
Pain can also be started from the temporal or occipital later spread to other areas or the entire head.
(Dr. Sidiarto. M, chronic headache)
Even though migraine has been known for a long time, not much is known about pathogenesisnya.
in technology have changed a lot, so the last century greeting this
little-known things - things that occur around and during the migraine
are two opinions of the observer group vasogen theory which assumes
that migraine attacks are caused by changes in blood flow head, while
observers neurogen theory assumes that the primary changes in migraine
attacks occur in the muscle tissue itself.
Migraine classification in use today is the classification issued by the "International Headache Society" (HIS 1988), namely:
1. Migraine
a. Migraine without aura (migraine without aura)
Before the so-called common or hemi Krania mgraine simplex
Description is a recurring headache with a long attack idioplastik 4 hours to 72 hours. Characteristics are typical of unilateral location, pulsating quality.
b. Migraine with aura (migraine with aura)
Before the so-called classical migraine, ophthalmic migraine, migraine hemiplegi, aphasia migraine, complicated migraine.
Description is a recurring disorder idioplastik, location in cortek cerebra or brain stem, arise gradually within 5-20 minutes.
c. Oftalmoplegi migraine (migraine oftalmoplegie)
Is a recurrent headache attacks with paresis of one or more of the nerve kranials to the eye, in the absence of intra-cranial lwsi.
d. Retinal migraine.
Is offensive monocular scotoma or blindness lasting less repetitive than 1 hour with or without pain.
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